Join the Racial Equity Accomplice Partnership

REAP is a partnership between Lighthouse Foundation and for-profit businesses offering equity training, a racial and LGBTQ+ equity commitment, seal of approval process, and marketing visibility.

  • You already know that racial and LGBTQ+ equity makes good business sense, and we can help you strengthen your commitment. REAP  uplifts for-profit businesses like yours that are invested in racial equity to ensure your facilities and experiences are safer for Black Queer patrons, employees, and other stakeholders.

  • According to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in 2020, reducing the racial wealth gap could create up to $8 trillion in GDP growth by 2050. Closing the gap expands your market base by attracting more employees with diverse experiences and viewpoints.

    The Williams Institute reported in 2023 that Black LGBTQ people were approximately 2-3X more likely to experience poverty than white cisgender and white LGBTQ+ people, with over 1 in 3 Black LGBTQ+ people living in poverty. Despite these gaps, Black LGBTQ+ people represent a solid economic base – 30% of the LGBTQ+ community in Chicago.

  • At Lighthouse Foundation, we understand Black LGBTQ+ and allied accomplices’ needs and patronage patterns in Chicagoland. Since 2019, our communities have voiced a desire to buy goods and services from businesses that indeed affirm and support Black Lives. They’re tired of giving resources to businesses that harm Black Queer people. In addition, we have already worked with five organizations in Chicago to improve their Black LGBTQ+ equity through the Lighthouse Foundation Black Queer Equity Index.

Racial Equity Accomplice Partnership:

By becoming REAP-certified and supporting Lighthouse Foundation, we invite you to enter into a partnership through the following agreements to celebrate and assert your commitment to our jointly held values of racial equity, LGBTQ+ inclusion, and social progress.

Lighthouse Foundation will:

Offer an annual 2-hour Racial Equity Training that is available in-person once a year and on-demand at any time for REAP business partners. 

Once the training is completed, provide a REAP Seal with sample language for a Black Queer Equity Statement that you can display in your store and/or on your website.

Create a PR campaign highlighting REAP businesses.

REAP businesses will:

Contribute a minimum of $250 annually to Lighthouse Foundation depending on pledge tier selection

Ensure 90 percent of all employees annually complete one 2-hour Racial Equity Training with Lighthouse Foundation, either in-person or on-demand. 

Put out the Black Queer Equity Statement created by LF that details the businesses’ commitment to racial justice, LGBTQ+ equity, and their intersections, and post the statement on the company’s website. 

Share employment opportunities with Lighthouse Foundation so that LF can advertise those positions to Black LGBTQ+ people.

REAP Business Pledge Tiers

REAP offers three business pledge tiers to support Lighthouse Foundation’s mission of advancing racial equity and social progress. Each tier ensures your business is recognized for its commitment to creating safer and more inclusive spaces for Black LGBTQ+ patrons. All businesses that become REAP-certified will be named on our website and in media campaigns organized by Lighthouse Foundation. 

REAP businesses will select a pledge tier with minimum annual pledge levels and benefits described below.

✓ Spotlight in the REAP Directory:

Your business will be prominently featured in the REAP directory on Lighthouse Foundation’s website. This exclusive feature showcases your commitment to racial equity and LGBTQ+ inclusion, providing visibility to a broad audience and affirming your support for Black LGBTQ+ communities.

✓ Listing in the REAP Directory:

Your business will be included in the REAP directory on Lighthouse Foundation’s website. This directory highlights businesses committed to racial equity and LGBTQ+ inclusion, giving you the chance to connect with other like-minded businesses and potential new employees aligned with these principles.

✓ Dedicated Social Media Promotion:

In 2023, Lighthouse Foundation reached over 230,000 people across Facebook and Instagram. Gain visibility and recognition through a personalized social media post from our organization. We'll highlight you as a REAP business across our platforms, reaching a broad and engaged audience.

✓ Premier Tabling Opportunity at a Lighthouse Foundation Event:

Set up a table to showcase your business and engage directly with our vibrant community of over 1,000 attendees annually. This is a prime opportunity to network and promote your brand.

Gold Tier - $1000+

✓ Spotlight in the REAP Directory:

Your business will be prominently featured in the REAP directory on Lighthouse Foundation’s website. This exclusive feature showcases your commitment to racial equity and LGBTQ+ inclusion, providing visibility to a broad audience and affirming your support for Black LGBTQ+ communities.

✓ Listing in the REAP Directory:

Your business will be included in the REAP directory on Lighthouse Foundation’s website. This directory highlights businesses committed to racial equity and LGBTQ+ inclusion, giving you the chance to connect with other like-minded businesses and potential new employees aligned with these principles.

Silver Tier - $500+

✓ Listing in the REAP Directory:

Your business will be included in the REAP directory on Lighthouse Foundation’s website. This directory highlights businesses committed to racial equity and LGBTQ+ inclusion, giving you the chance to connect with other like-minded businesses and potential new employees aligned with these principles.

Bronze Tier - $250+